
Archive for August, 2011

Caught up again, then a little behind

August 16, 2011 Leave a comment

Sometimes I think my Bible reading could be summed up by this television theme song

I was about two weeks behind at one point on my Old Testament reading, then got completely caught up both, and then the procrastination and sleep bugs hit and tonight I’ll have three day’s worth to read to catch up.

One thing I am looking to add is reading from the Psalms each night. Starting next year, I may even break it down further and, every day of the year, read a Psalm or Proverb. Psalm 119, of course, would be split up into about four days.

What is it that makes it so difficult to maintain consistency? We just get too busy in our own lives, perhaps. And, of course, the devil is always there to let us know of the many other things we could be doing with our time…surfing the internet, sleeping, eating, relaxing, watching TV, visiting social sites.

In an effort to get caught up on my reading, I “read” through the entire Book of Joshua. No, I don’t recommend that. The quantity versus quality approach to Bible reading never is successful. Spiritually, you feel far better when you relax, focus and read.

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