
Archive for March, 2020

Shame on you, Mr. Bakker!

March 17, 2020 Leave a comment

Growing up in the 1980s as a young Christian, I remember Jim Bakker and his scandals. In those days, many “ministers” disgraced themselves and made Christians the target of countless punchlines. Jim Bakker, when he wasn’t spending a fortune on makeup for his wife, Tammy Faye, swindled listeners out of an ocean of money. He also had an affair with church secretary Jessica Hahn and then unsuccessfully tried to cover it up by paying her off.

Bakker finally went to prison. Initially sentenced to 45 years, his sentence was reduced to eight years. After five years, he was paroled. Tammy Faye wasn’t there to stand by her man, as she divorced him and eventually became Tammy Faye Messner.

At first when he left the big house, Bakker seemed remorseful. He wrote a book about his alleged remorse, titled I Was Wrong. On the cover, he even seemed contrite.

Now, Bakker, is 80, remarried, and has traded in his clean-shaven face and salt-and-pepper hair for a bald top with white hair on the sides and a white beard. He’s again on TV. If it’s anything like the old days, he’s asking for money to stay on the air.

If it’s no surprise he’s back on TV, it’s equally no surprise that he faces new controversy. Bakker is being sued by Missouri officials over claims that his “silver sol” product can cure the COVID-19, a strain of the Coronavirus, along with HIV and venereal disease. New York officials are also warning him to stop his claims.

Yes, COVID-19, that same virus that has wreaked havoc on activities and the economy out of concerns it could escalate into a world-wide pandemic.

My stomach sank as I read about this, remembering how silver sol sounds so much like sea silver. Around 2003, a radio station I worked at broadcasted sea silver shows. Makers swore that sea silver could cure cancer. Eventually, the FDA made us take it off the air due to dubious claims.

And if Bakker’s fraud with COVID-19 isn’t bad enough, Kenneth Copeland does “healings” on his show, through the television, where he claims to cure people of Coronavirus.

I suppose as men of the cloth, neither would advocate drinking Corona Beer to cure the Coronavirus.

You might notice I have not provided links. Neither Bakker nor Copeland deserve the extra attention.

People have died, gotten sick, and people are also scared to death. Both Bakker and Copeland are exploiting that. They may have crowds, but as one friend observed, “…They have the large followings because they did not do what they should.”

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How can some churches be so gullible?

March 14, 2020 Leave a comment

A friend wrote about the anniversary of her father’s passing. “Monica” described him as a man who was a great baker, brilliant salesman, never met a stranger. Everyone at church loved and respected him. He’d often take a big Bible with him to services.

However, her father was a different man at home. He was abusive and had anger issues.

The day finally came when Monica’s mother separated from the father and was planning to file for divorce. He disappeared, and his body soon was discovered in a bay in northern Washington State. 

Her mother received no support from the church over the separation. They felt she should stay married to her husband, no matter what. After all, who in their right mind could possibly want to leave such a popular man?

In my experience, those with dark sides tend to be extraordinary actors.

Monica observed, “This spiritual abuse and horrible advice is so very common even today.”

Here’s why: Monica has another friend who’s married to an abusive husband. The friend’s pastor tells her divorce is wrong and she needs to stay married to her husband, regardless.

You know what’s so ironic? The pastor is the wife’s father.

Normally, parents can see right through our partners and can tell us who’s a good fit and who’s not. 

If you’re reading this, it’s this simple: whether you’re a man or woman, if you’re in an abusive marriage that seems like it’s the same cycle after another, I have two words: Get Out.

If you’ve had enough of an abusive partner and your church tells you that you’re sinning by getting a divorce, get out. It’s a cult.

If you’re in an abusive relationship and need help, go to the Choose Courage Foundation.

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