
Archive for April, 2021

An actor on the right track

April 21, 2021 Leave a comment

A comedic actor who is no longer with us once described himself as a “bad Catholic”. Why not? Though raised Catholic, many described him as loving a good time in wine, women, and song. You’d know who he was instantly if I said his name. He made observations on spirituality that suggested a venture into atheism during his life. One observation, although not questioning God’s existence, was fairly astute: why do television ministers ask their audiences for money when they tell their audiences to ask God for money or other needs?

When asked what would be the first thing he’d say to God in the afterlife, the actor replied, “I didn’t think You were for real!” He indicated an eagerness to meet God and ask questions.

The actor, known for his love of a good time, did say that he felt that he didn’t deserve to get into heaven on his own merits, and that he didn’t think he could con his way into heaven. This despite film rolls where he played people who hustled others. 

Eternity will tell, but I hope that someone with the truth spoke to the actor and that the actor listened with an open mind. His honesty about his faults make me think, to paraphrase what Jesus said to one seeker in Mark 12:34, he wasn’t far from the kingdom of God. 

Drop a line to if you’d like to guess which actor this was.

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