
Archive for June 14, 2009

The Writing Life and How it Applies to Christianity

As a writer, one of the most useful books I own is a copy of Stephen King’s On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft. In this book, Mr. King says there’s one primary thing a writer must do to become a great writer: read a lot. A writer who doesn’t read, Mr. King explains, won’t really be able to see what works and what doesn’t work in the literary world–especially in the genre they wish to specialize in.

The same rings true for Christianity. If you want to know how to live the Christian life, daily Bible reading is the way to go at it. A Christian who’s not spending time each day reading the Bible and praying can’t possibly wonder why they don’t know what God wants for their life. Think of that kids’ song: Read your Bible, pray every day and you will grow. Neglect your Bible, forget to pray and you will shrink.