
Archive for July 10, 2009

Can demons repent?

July 10, 2009 2 comments

Theology teaches us that God created Lucifer and all the other angels and that sometime later, Lucifer decided he wanted to be God. So, he recruited a third of the angels to join him. God prevailed and they were removed from heaven. Lucifer became Satan and his angels became demons.

How many demons does Satan have? Hard to say. If God created a billion angels, then there are more than 333 million who serve Satan. If God created a trillion, then 333 billion serve him.

Last night I had a dream about this and wonder: can demons repent?

Some say yes while others say no.

Personally, I think it’s more an issue that they don’t want to. They’ve been at it for at least 6,000 years and are probably convinced that they will indeed someday reign alongside Satan. Or, it’s possible they simply believe at this point that suffering in torment for all eternity is far more preferable to humbling themselves before God.

Is it possible that some have had second thoughts about joining Satan in his ill-fated rebellion?

It’s possible. Whether God would take them back is difficult to say.

Anyone have any thoughts on this?

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A great website for Christian apologetics

If you can, check out this site, the home of Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry. Everything you need for Christian apologetics. Why you believe what you believe. What the Bible teaches. Debates between Christians and non-believers. When you go there, tell them Richard from My Two Shekels sent you.

Men with necklaces and rings–a Christian perspective

July 10, 2009 1 comment

In the church circles I’m from, men are prohibited from wearing necklaces. At college, it was also prohibited. I remember returning home from basic training and someone at church told me men don’t wear necklaces.

I pulled out my “necklace” and showed them my dog tags.

These days, I have a cross necklace that I wear on a leather string. I purchased the cross pendant two years ago at an engine show and finally got it made into a necklace. Problem is, the clasp above the cross keeps coming undone, causing the cross to fall down my shirt.

I actually have a rough sketch of a cross pendant that won’t come apart. All I have to do is find a machinist or blacksmith.

Same goes for rings. I wear a wedding ring and also would like to wear a ring on my right ring finger. I have a few designs in mind for a few rings to rotate.

I find myself wondering how it came about among some Christian circles that men were not supposed to wear any necklaces. Anyone care to enlighten me? Perhaps it’s just a preference that evolved into a conviction.

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